Arena Tenancy
Last Updated: April 19, 2024
Dear Potential Legends Arena Tenant:
This past March our organization has received a $2.1 million contribution by Infrastructure Canada for Legends Arena – Cape Breton’s first solar powered multi-sport and cultural complex.
Tomorrow’s Legends has been meeting with stakeholders, partners and community groups to better understand the needs of the community so it can optimize space in the new arena. It is with much enthusiasm that we are pleased to report that demand for space has exceeded the physical footprint of the arena. While we recognize that we will not be able to accommodate all groups, this does mean that so many young athletes will soon have a place to call home when it comes to playing their favourite sport.
In our first set of community engagement sessions, we have received both interest and tentative commitments from organizations representing more than 1500 kids. As well, we have received strong interest from other community groups that are in the process of growing sports that are relatively new to our area. These initial sessions have enabled us to move to the next stage of solidifying the configuration of space to accommodate sports clubs and its members.
By way of his letter, we are once again reaching out to clubs to provide additional information regarding tenancy. We have set July 2, 2024 as the deadline for clubs to confirm tenancy for 2025. We acknowledge that timelines can change due to challenges in procuring materials and labour for this extensive retrofit but confirmation of tenancy is necessary to properly configure the space. The effective date of tenancy is expected to be in early 2025 but regardless of the opening date we must have our floor configuration finalized and submitted no later than July 2024.
Links are provided below to show the current proposed configuration along with copies of our tenancy agreement so you can gain an understanding of the formal arrangement between Tomorrow's Legends and its tenants. We also enclosed some same sample calculations to help clubs determine rental fees and the cost per player based on 12 and 13 player rosters. We recognize that this model may not work for all clubs but it does provide a basis for how our business model has been created. We are pleased to be offering space at an hourly rate of about $1.50 per player.
Please note that our submitted drawings will be based on signed tenants. Should you not be able to meet the July 2nd, this does not mean that you will no longer have an opportunity to occupy the arena as a tenant. However, peak time slots will likely be unavailable for your programming. Should you require any assistance, we are available to meet to discuss your tenancy.
On behalf of the Tomorrow's Legends organization, I look forward to achieving the next milestone together.
Many Thanks

Bill Kachafanas, Founder