In February 2018, Basketball Cape Breton made a presentation to Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) council asking it to renovate and operate Centennial Arena for basketball. Despite best efforts staff and council  opted not to move the proposal forward.

In 2018, Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) was renting Centennial Arena, the former ice rink , to a local basketball club for recreational and competitive basketball programs.


In anticipation of the impending closure of Centennial Arena, Tomorrow's Legends was formed in January 2020, specifically for building a new arena or renovating an existing one. It want to empower it youth population through sport & culture.

MARCH 2020

With COVID-19 upon us, CBRM called for a permanent closure of Centennial Arena.

APRIL 2020

Leslie Timmons, A Tomorrow's Legends Sports Ambassadors

Tomorrow's Legends began the formation of its ambassadorship program with engagement with Community, Sports and Business ambassadors to help promote and support the initiative.

MAY 2020

Site identification begins for Tomorrow's Legends proposed sports & cultural centre

New Build: Open Hearth Park, Sydney

Great proximity to downtown Sydney, new roads to conning surrounding communities, new venue for football and soccer. Excellent location for a sports hub.

Retrofit: Centennial Arena, Sydney

Located in Cottage Road area of Sydney, close to highways connecting surrounding communities, adjacent to memorial baseball field and soccer. Excellent location for a sports hub.

Renovation: Bridgeport School, Glace Bay

School recently closed, Existing gymnasium, Recent upgrade to court floor.


With COVID-19 upon us, and no gymnasiums, schools, fitness centres open, Tomorrow's Legends established a basketball training program in the former Morrison High School in Glace Bay. COVID-19 restrictions allowed for 10 athletes at a time for many months before expanding to 25 athletes -  then contracting back to 10 - then back to 25. The program ran for two years with dedicated athletes and some guest coaches and athletes along the way. A great experience and lots of great memories.


Continuing lockdowns and meeting cancellations, the organization remained active with youth training. Legend's used the time to research and prepare policies for tenancy to include privacy, policies for inclusion in sport, gender and race, socioeconomic status, safety and insurance.


Initiated process for launching 50/50 online fundraising raffle.


Forged community partnership with Breton Green Solutions of Lingan to learn more about solar energy and modern day installations.

MARCH 2021

Work conducted on preparing a detailed plan to include solar energy systems for a net zero installation. Preliminary work began on installing solar panels on the roof of Centennial Arena with inverters and heat pumps. Heating and lighting loads to be considered for a retrofitted arena.


Ongoing work on Centennial Arena retrofit and further development of business plan.

Ongoing consultations with community partner Breton Green Solutions.


Source Atlantic comes aboard as a community partner to assist with technical expertise in solar energy systems and help move the project forward.


Initiated formal process to request a presentation to CBRM council regarding the acquisition of Centennial Arena.




Community engagement. Ambassadors contacted city councilors to heighten awareness surrounding the Centennial Arena project. Meetings held with officials from the province of Nova Scotia regarding funding opportunities. Officials confirmed a transfer of asset is necessary to take place to potentially qualify for funds within the various provincial programs.

Tomorrow's Legends Business plan submitted to CBRM clerk's office.

November 18, online meeting held with CBRM officials. Representatives from Source Atlantic, Breton Green Solutions and Tomorrow's Legends participated in the meeting.


Tomorrow's Legends participated in a brief interview with the Ontario firm conducting a market feasibility study for a possible Centre 200 expansion. As part of the study, the firm was looking at demand for youth court sports and the organizations involved in delivering programs for  youth.


Online meeting held with CBRM officials regarding request to present to council.


Source Atlantic began its feasibility study with site visits to the arena and conversations with staff. A technical feasibility study was prepared for potential stakeholders, partners and CBRM.

MARCH 2022

Additional site visits to Centennial Arena prior to upcoming presentation to council.

APRIL 2022

Formal presentation was made to council asking to have Tomorrow's Legends acquire the closed Centennial Arena at no cost to either party. The facility will undergo a retrofit for court sports for Cape Breton youth with a plan to be discussed for taxation along with a multi phase plan for funding. Council seemed highly receptive of the project. Recorded session

Issue paper to be prepared for council by CBRM staff on or before May 24th.

MAY 2022

First contact by CBRM staff on May 26th. Met with CBRM officials on May 31st. Additional documentation requested by CBRM.



JUNE 2022

Budget document submitted to CBRM.



JULY 2022

Awaiting a response from CBRM staff regarding May 24th issue paper. CBRM council meeting was held with transfer of Centennial Arena on the agenda. Council to vote on asset transfer but the May 24th issue paper still not prepared. Staff presented to council that CBRM is waiting for a feasibility study. After much back and forth a motion vote was passed to provide a letter of intent to Tomorrow's Legends with conditions. Recorded session

Letter submitted to CBRM councilors in response to July 12 council meeting regarding documentation deemed missing by CBRM. Request made for written clarification as to what documentation is missing or required to move project forward.

Expressions of Interest issued for all sports clubs interested in tenancy . Closing date of August 31, 2022.


August 8, Early review of tenancy proposals. Reminder of closing date tweeted to prospective clubs.